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Tuesday 2 August 2011

in a state

Hackney Hardcore by ultraBobban
Hackney Hardcore, a photo by ultraBobban on Flickr.

After training and racing nearly 400km in the last 31 days, my body is feeling quite crap. I lost a little mass, gained it, lost it and gainedit again. I probably need about 6 hours of massage on my legs just to get the knots out.

I have been attempting to train in high heat, to get my body used to the rigours of the NDW50. It is 29 degrees today and if the hot August keeps on, it is the sort of training that will make me rather than break me. It is hard work though. I feel like every mile in the heat is like 2 in the cold. At least in the cold if you run faster, your muscles warm up. This way, it feels as if half of your energy is being diverted to cooling you down.

I was going to running club monthly handicap tonight but I am going to elevate feet and quaff cider, catching up on The Thick of It Series 3......i would recommend it to anyone who enjoys swearing.

1 comment:

  1. I am planning to meet you at some stage on the NDW with some fine wines and comestibles and honestly think your rest this evening was totally fine for the moment.
    Can't wait until Friday :-)
